My Family CinemaMy Family Cinema
Access to unlimited online streaming at your fingertips.

My Family Cinema

About Us

My Family Cinema
MFC is a software that collects over 1,591,934 multimedia data that includes the latest movies, popular series, and biographies of famous actors and directors. Additionally, MFC constantly updates the media information, supports HD & FHD streaming, provides subtitles and offers a forum to share your experience. Everything at affordable prices.

Delivery & Returns

Once your payment has been verified, you will be contacted via email to arrange delivery of your subscription code and or hard device. Kindly contact us regarding any hardware returns within 30 days of purchase. A no return policy will apply to any subscription purchase.

Payment Info

Payment method preferred is via credit/debit card using our payfast secure link. Kindly contact us should you wish to pay via eft.
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